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The Great Commission - MISSIONS

to Rev. Jan Moore


Our lives changed when Rev. Jan Glenn Moore passed away suddenly, January 30.  It is a devastating blow to all of us, but we are leaning on the Lord as we learn to go on without him.


He served the Lord in ministry for 43 years, founded and pastored Good News Fellowship for 33 years and founded Good News International, the mission ministry we now serve.  He leaves a legacy of love for Jesus, obedience to the call of God, and love for all people. He ministered the love of God and encouragement everywhere he went.  The world was his mission field, whether at home or abroad. 


He leaves a family of seven children, six of whom are married, and sixteen grandchildren.  We all miss him, the joy he brought to everyday life and the example he left us to follow.  Each day brings another reminder that he is not with us.


Jan and I served God together all those years, and now I am walking without him, but I am going on in the ministry.  I will continue the vision God gave us to reach the world with the Gospel.  I am not alone; the Lord is with me.  I ask for your prayers and continued support in this vital ministry.  Lives have been changed for eternity because of our partnership, and Jan is now enjoying a great reward!


God bless you,

Debbie Moore

December 1st-8th, 2022

Nigeria and Liberia, Africa


To reach out to a hurting world with the Good News of Jesus Christ and His miracle-working power

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These pictures are a glimpse of the ministry in Africa.   In Nigeria we traveled from village to village each night holding crusades in remote areas.  At every meeting crowds came forward to give their lives to Christ.  We prayed for the sick and God demonstrated His healing power; healing heart problems, deaf ears, tumors, legs, all kinds of miracles!  So many lives were changed!  The crusades over the past years have birthed six new churches in remote villages.  To God be the glory!

We have built bathrooms, dug wells, fed the hungry and brought clothes and toys to give.  We have helped launch men and women in business to give them continual income.  Our mission team there works throughout the year ministering to the needs of the people and furthering the work.  

In Liberia, we ministered on marriage and family. Below you see one of the churches where we ministered.  They had never had a missionary there until we came!  They loved hearing the teaching on marriage and want us to return to minister at a national conference.  Preparations are underway for that trip. 

As we travel, we see the fields that are ready to harvest.  Please join us in this exciting time as we go to those fields, laborers with the life-changing Good News! 

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Partner with us

Your partnership of prayers and financial support enable us to reach the world as we travel the nations with the priceless gift of the gospel. Join us in the work that changes lives forever.

P.O. Box 53, Owosso, MI  48867

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